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제품 설명
궁극의 롤스로이스 차량용 액세서리 중 하나인 냉장고내부에는 조명과 거울이 내장되어 있으며, 0.75리터 샴페인 2병과 샴페인 잔 2개가 수납됩니다. 2단계 온도 설정으로 음식과 음료를 완벽한 온도에 보관할 수 있습니다. 잔 홀더를 뒷좌석 팔걸이에 내장된 고정형 컵 홀더에 장착할 수 있어 더욱 편리합니다.
Two stage cooling settings offers convenient storage for cool drinks or food items
Capacity for two 0.75L champagne bottles with integrated champagne glasses
Includes 2x champagne glasses and a glass holder which can be securely fixed to the cup-holders in the rear armrest
Automatic illumination, when lid opened
Additional leather part required, see EPC
- Fits Ghost models 08/20 and onwards
- Located behind the central fold down rear passenger arm rest
- Holds 1 large bottle with no spillage, even if the bottle is open
- Stowage space for 2 Champagne glasses (included)
- Keeps glasses and Champagne bottle chilled
- Reachable by both rear passengers
EPC Location | Part Number | 설명 | 모델 | 시작 | Until | 참고 | Estimated Fitting Time | Made To Order |
03_1996 | 64 11 2 296 253 | 냉장고 | 첫 굿우드 고스트 (2009 – 2020) | ‘09년 9월 | ‘19년 9월 | For vehicles with Luggage compartment convenience package (SA 418), estimated 4 weeks lead time | 7 hours | true |
03_1996 | 64 11 2 296 249 | 냉장고 | 첫 굿우드 고스트 (2009 – 2020) | ‘09년 9월 | ‘19년 9월 | For vehicles without Luggage compartment convenience package (SA 418), estimated 4 weeks lead time | 7 hours | true |
03_5557 | 51 16 5 A49 A21 | Retrofit Fridge, RR21/2 – Black Boot Carpet (without SLAMA) | Ghost & Ghost Extended | Apr-21 | 현재 | This time excludes any vehicle coding and may vary on condition of the car and equipment fitted. Fitment instructions can be found on the Retailer Hub. Only for vehicles with S460A – Comfort Seat. Please use VIN selection in EPC to ensure compatibility. | 8 Hours or 96 FRU | true |
03_5557 | 51 16 5 A49 A23 | Retrofit Fridge, RR21/2 – Colour Neutral Boot Carpet (with SLAMA) | Ghost & Ghost Extended | Apr-21 | 현재 | 8 Hours or 96 FRU | true |